Comments, Testimonials And Reviews
Please find comments and testimonials below found in news sources,
submitted from customers online or sent through the mail to our office.
On This Page
What Clients And Peers Have To Say About The Wildlife Whisperer
Please note: the comments below include those that came in from clients previously
serviced by the company under its previous name, The Skunk Whisperer.
Ned Bruha, who is discussed in many
of the comments is still with the company and still chief of operations.
"Ned is a hero for wildlife, and not just on TV. The only way the world is going to change
their ways is if they see for themselves how well his methods work, and learn that the majority
of people's problems with wildlife are invited, and they themselves have to change before
Ned will step in. I believe the tremendous response to this story is a direct result of how
down a lot of people are feeling these days with our economic crisis. We all need to be
reminded that there is good in the world still, and little things still matter and require
our care. It makes us feel safer, and Ned always gives me hope that there is still room for change!
The soft gushy man in the clip who appears to love the little kits is exactly who he is.
Love you Ned, and as always, very proud of you!" Annette King Tucker

Ned visiting with wildlife
rehabilitator Annette King
rehabilitator Annette King
"Choosing your company and unique wildlife removal methods was the best thing
for our bank account and the animals. Like I told you, I thought you were totally
nuts when you told my wife and me that you could manipulate the mother squirrel
into relocating her baby squirrels out of our attic and take them somewhere else.
You told us that if we quietly drank our morning coffee on the back porch that we
could actually watch the mother squirrel relocate her young. Sure enough, it went
exactly like you said it would. Mom carried them one by one to the tree in the back
yard, she went back to get some of our attic insulation and
built a nest in our tree for them. Over the phone on our initial conversation you
explained that you were looking at our house on Google Maps and because of our unique
roof and siding style the squirrel removal process needed to be done in combination with
services from a different company. Somehow you even knew that the hole was initially made
by woodpeckers. Your company took care of the problem, made repairs and preventative repairs
and referred us to professionals to take care of things that also needed attention.
Your customer service was stellar as well as the contractors you sent our way.
All three of the other companies that tried to get rid of our squirrel
and woodpecker problems failed and you figured it out over the phone effortlessly.
Your employees were great. We hired you because if a person has a heart,
they cannot hire anybody else because babies will stay behind and die
and squirrels give birth in Oklahoma every month of the year. If we had
hired a trapper to trap the mother squirrel, we would have had the added
expense of cutting holes in our vaulted ceiling to remove all of the dead
squirrels, the drywall and painting cost and mess. Thanks again,
and I am sorry I laughed out loud when you said that you could manipulate
virtually all species of wildlife to relocate their babies.
You really are the skunk whisperer! " Joseph
"Just a note to thank a wonderful person who saved my husband and I from
a (could be) bad situation. I'm referring to a company by the name of The Skunk Whisperer®.
I would like to thank them for coming out so late in the night,
midnight, to remove a opossum from a bedroom in our house.
It was done humanely and professionally. We couldn't believe
that when we called, we actually had a person call back,
quickly and pleasantly. They were out as soon as we hung up the phone.
What a relief to know that the animal would not be hurt and such a pleasant person,
gifted to do this job. I would so like to say thanks again, and let them know
that I will never use anyone else to do animal removal for me, ever." Sharon
"Ned Bruha, who's a different breed" CBS Affiliate - KOTV TV
He has the look of a safari guy, the eyes of a naturalist,
and the persona of Ace Ventura meets Dirty Harry. He is The Skunk Whisperer." ABC Affiliate - KTUL TV

"Skunk Whisperer® 'frenemy' to critters. One good ol'
country boy has molded himself into one the greatest animal 'trappers' of all time." Flash News - The Pop Culture Wire For Media Professionals
"Two years ago when I called you, just because of my questions and tone
of voice you could tell that I had recently had a different company come out
to my house and that they scared me by saying that the mouse and raccoon
feces in my attic was dangerous and could kill everybody in the house
and that I needed to pay them $14,000.00 to take care of my problem.
Just knowing that you get that many people calling you who say that
there were given the same scary sell job makes me feel bad for the
folks who fall for it. You took care of our raccoons in the attic
and all repairs and pest control for $750 and showed me a photo of
the ½ cup of raccoon feces in the attic. Thanks for being honest,
the other guy scared me so much I would have believed almost anything you said.
I did not care if the raccoons were killed, but the other company said they would
"just suck them out with the attic insulation machine at no extra charge".
We watched mom carry the baby raccoons into the woods behind us and it changed my mind
about a lot of things. Anyway, I wanted to get with you after all this time because a
friend's 90 year old grandmother was recently hit up by the same crooks from Texas who
scared me. She was so scared she signed on the dotted line for around $7,000.00
Her do it yourselfer son called you and did not tell you about her signing the
contract with the crooks but said that she was told that the attic was totally
covered with raccoon poop and she had tons of raccoons and mice in the attic.
You told him that he could save money if he just stapled plastic or layed a
board over the hole on the roof and call if something tore through it within
three days and then go into the attic to look for feces and babies and call
if he needed assistance but that you'd bet that there were no raccoons at all
and that it was a tree rubbing on the roof because nothing he said made you think
there was an animal in the attic at all. Guess what? There was no hole in
the roof and no poop in the attic so you were right. Just thought that you
should know you helped out a little old lady getting robbed and did not even know! " Rachelle
"Someone shared your website with me.
I hope your organization is heard by a lot of people.
It is great what you are doing.
I wish more people had your heart towards animals, there is too much inhumane,
cruelty towards animals in this world. Thank you for what you are doing." Deanna
"I just saw a video online about your rescue of a couple of baby raccoons and checked out your website.
I must say, it's great to see a wildlife control company handle the animals in a humane manner!
I used to work in Animal Control, and love your company's philosophy. ...
I am a hunter and fisherwoman, but also believe in treating all animals with dignity.
It is so refreshing to see a man with your knowledge of animals, great public representation
and philosophy to be out there representing wildlife control.
You do a great job with the media, and look like a hero.
Thank you for helping advance the profession." Aimmee
"I watched the Yahoo video of you saving the raccoon babies from the Pepsi machine.
I just wanted to write a quick note thanking you for saving their little lives.
What a wonderful thing you do. I am glad there are people like you out there." Laurie
"...I am an English teacher here in Israel and think that teaching
is a wonderful job and gift to be able to share. I wanted to thank Ned for his
hard work and sharing his philosophy about wildlife through his autobiography on the website.
I am really touched and moved by people that really stand for and practice what they believe in.
It has certainly strengthened my belief in 'live and let live' and hopefully will make me less
fearful of animals that I see pop up where they are not expected." Tami
"I agree with you 100%. I am just thankful for people like you and your group, trust me,
I WILL be calling if there is ever anything furry around here that needs to be somewhere else!" Tina
"I am very happy that my opossum critter is gone without
trapping or killing him ... no more crazy noises under the tub every night!" Angie
"Thank you for being there and doing what you do. I called and asked for
help regarding my Boss's tenant who has an invasion of the skunk variety.
God Bless You." Pat
"Ned. You are the best!! I wish I had known you two years ago when bats invaded my chimney!" Kathy
"You are awesome. I have friends that have raccoon problems and I will give them your contact info." Nita
"We're so grateful for your help, I don't know what we'd have done without you.
At first I was skeptical about wether your humane methods would work - but they did -
and no innocent wildlife got hurt in the process. What a wonderful thing.
Our horses are really enjoying their now skunk, bird, rat and pest free barn. Thank you." Lisa
"Thank you Ned for telling me about the poor little squirrel.
I had hoped the little guy would be OK, but obviously not. Thank you for euthanizing him.
That was the kindest thing to do. I told Sammy, (my cat that captured the squirrel)
that there would be no more open access to the outside again! He's proved to be a mighty hunter.
I told him he could get all the mice and rats he wants!
I've also told many of my friends about your service. It was well worth it!" Dannie
"I applaud the excellent job you did and do. I really believe in you guys and want
to see you continue to share your commitment and enthusiasm for animals." Kim
"Ned-I am Virginia's daughter, Jan. She called you last week about her under-house skunk problem.
I want to thank you for taking the time to talk with her, and for your help in discerning that
the electrical/heating and air professionals she called probably don't want the skunk clean-up
job before doing the duct replacement.
She has been in touch with me and was complimentary of your help.
I'm adding my appreciation since it is rare these days to get courtesy and honest assessment
about a situation rather than taking advantage of someone's
lack of knowledge-and particularly an elderly woman! Mom has been in touch with
friends of ours and has a new plan, and was going to implement your easy and
free solution suggestion yesterday. Since I live half a country away,
I am grateful for the kindness of strangers. Your photo looks like you
might have served in Afghanistan. My father was career Air Force and
served in all the major conflicts from WWII on. He died in 2001 and
is buried at the National Cemetery in Fort Gibson. So, in memory of him this weekend,
and in honor of your service, I extend heartfelt thanks. And, again,
thanks for your kindness to my mother." Jan
"Thanks for the raccoon update! And thank you so much for rescuing the little
guys from our tree and delivering them to safety; my husband and I are truly grateful.
Also, thanks for the tips about feeding our cat (originally an outdoor stray)
on a pedestal table! I have been trying to get him to eat indoors for years but
he refuses - But I'm going to try again to get him to eat inside, get a pedestal
table, or at least bring in his dish after his meal instead of leaving it outside.
As an animal lover I really appreciate your kind and humane treatment of the critters!" Susan
"Thank you for all the insight." Mary
"Ned ROCKS!" Lisa
"I, like many others, saw your great video and wanted to thank you
for taking the baby raccoons to a rehabber. I'm a rehabber myself
and am always grateful when someone contacts me before calling animal control
or taking matters into their own hands. What I'm saying, I guess,
is that it is very frustrating to be a rehabber and not have your resources
utilized by the public and animal control, so it makes it especially
wonderful that people like you are out there and know that we exist and
that we are dedicated professionals who have chosen to give our lives to
this task. It's a hard task, as you know, to convince people that wildlife
should not automatically be removed the minute they see it. So I'm glad that people
like you are pushing for non-traditional methods of control. It makes us rehabbers
feel like we are not just voices talking with no one listening. Thanks again for
taking care of those baby raccoons." Mary Ellen
"I really appreciate what you do. It's cool that you are so gifted at sending out the 'news'" Deb
"I'm an avid wildlife buff and caught your extraction of those 2
cute racoon babies from the machine and wanted to applaud you a job well done.
I'm glad that there are more wildlife protectors in this world. Good Job" Paul
"I taped and watched over and over -with company too--of you being on the tv news
catching those coons from the soda fountain can machine." Patti
"... I saw Ned Bruha on Yahoo video news this morning. Really cool how
those women called to help those raccoons in the Pepsi machine!
Those raccoons were insanely cute, and Ned's pretty easy on the eyes, too :-)"
"Hi, I just saw the video of the raccoon rescue. Looks like your people do wonderful work.
It is nice to see them captured and rehabbed vs. relocated or killed."
"Thank you so much Ned, for your services. As someone with your heart, I appreciate it immensely.
No one seems to understand and thinks it's a waste of time to do what you do." ...
"I hate it when exterminators are called in, besides really hating the chemicals involved,
I think every creature, whether mammal or insect or whatever, deserves to be able to
live its life without interference from us. As I'm sure you already know, it's
very difficult to find another person that thinks like that." Cathi
"I love your name. What a hoot! I've seen you around town in your trucks and I thought,
'What a perfect name!' HA! I'm sure I am not the only one to tell you this.
Thank you for being a humane operator. We need you guys. Thanks!" Deb
"I am thrilled to know a celebrity, and one who hasn't let it go to his head.
Now I can say I've been posting Ned's stories long before CNN and MSNBC and Yahoo picked it up." Marti
"That was a terrific video on Yahoo with you and the Pepsi 'coons'. Really enjoyed your website.
Congratulations on the terrific work and entrepreneurial vision." John
"Saw you on a link off Yahoo saving baby raccoons from a Pepsi machine. That was wild! Great job!" Patty
"My name is Tami and I saw a clip on TV of Ned rescuing the raccoons
from the Pepsi machine. I was so touched by the way he handled the
animals and by the important message that was sent through that
clip about respecting life - all forms of life ..." Tami
"I recently saw the video of you rescuing
the baby raccoons from the Pepsi vending machine.
I'd like to thank you for your kindness towards animals.
You are a true testament to humanity. Please keep up the
good work and continue spreading the word!" Ming
Cape Coral, Fort Myers & Pine Island
Sanibel Island, Captiva, Boca Grande and
surrounding areas in Southwest Florida
Mobile Response #: 239-900-6411
1242 SW Pine Island Rd., Suite 310
Cape Coral, Florida 33991-2126
1242 SW Pine Island Rd., Suite 310
Cape Coral, Florida 33991-2126