Suburban Bobcats
Most bobcat issues occur because of people feeding the birds in their yard. Bird feeders attract bobcats, foxes and coyotes.
The photo of the bobcats shown below was taken at a busy urban residential area. Ned Bruha was called out to investigate young bobcats playing in the road.
A nearby business took the above photo just ten feet outside their door. We live in a jungle; their jungle. All they want is food, water and shelter.
Southwest Florida provides bobcats with plenty to eat and plenty of food and shelter too. Consequently, they can be found throughout region.
The Florida Everglades
Getting Rid of Bobcats
We can assist you by helping you eliminate some of the things they are attracted to around your home, at which point, they will likely move on for little to no cost. For instance, if a bobcat family is living under your shed and eating birds at your bird feeder, remove the bird feeder.
Sometimes bobcat control is that simple.
If cutting back on temptations does not remedy the problem, we can install Dig Defence Animal Control, as seen below, around your shed and evict the bobcat family, making them move on to other surroundings where they can more easily meet their needs.

Other, easy, free ways to get rid of bobcats can be found on our coyote, fox and mountain lion pages. Bobcats are easily scared away by waving your arms, opening and closing an umbrella or with a water hose. Another way is to use a Havahart Spray Away Motion Activated Water Repellent, which is a squirting device that activates when they get to close. This device is infrared and shoots water up to 30' when hooked up to a charged garden hose. Have the children put on a bathing suit and set up the perimeter that you want protected. Check with your state and local wildlife department to see if it is legal to repel wild animals in this manner.
1242 SW Pine Island Rd., Suite 310
Cape Coral, Florida 33991-2126